Passing Down a Name
In a lot of family’s names are passed down to future generations. This is also prevalent in my family with the first name “Zuzana”. I would like to continue this tradition by passing down the name Zuzana if I have a daughter. Zuzana is a family name from my mother’s side although it’s prevalent throughout both sides of my family. Zuzana is my mother’s name, my aunt’s name, my cousin’s name (which is sometimes confusing).
I think Zuzana is more than just a family name but also sounds very nice. I hate the name “Susana” or “Susan” but the “Z” sound is one of my favorite sounds (IDK if that’s weird or makes sense). But the “Z” sound reminds me of a bee or buzzing sound. I like any names that start with a Z.
Zuzana is the Slovak equivalent of Susana and is a semi-popular name there but it sounds very different. I also like the shortening of Zuzana, “Zuzi” (Zoo-Zee) or “Zuzka”. You can also choose different nicknames from Zuzana like “Ana” or “Zuz”. All of these variations are very adorable and cute.
Zuzana is also pretty unique. I feel like there aren’t too many Zuzana in the U.S. (in the Czech Republic and Slovakia though, it's extremely common. Although gradually it’s fallen from use). I think it’s a really interesting tradition and it’s something I would like to keep going.
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