I like spoilers...
Whenever I read a fictional book (a book I enjoy I read for fun and entertainment instead of … you know… school) I get really impatient. I get to the middle section of the book and then I get really antsy and skip to the end of the book. I read the last 10-20 pages and then I go back to where I was before. I know this might upset some reading-enthusiasts but whatever, I like doing this. It’s the same with TV shows. When I watch a movie or TV, I HATE the feeling of not knowing. Like if there’s going to be a plot twist in season 5 then I want to know in season 1. That means that once I start a show, I usually look up the ending on Wikipedia before I’m even done with the first episode. I wish I could re(experience) watching/reading a book or movie for the first time. Like I would want to watch The Sixth Sense once knowing the twist and then another time without knowing the twist. Or with Seven, I would want to watch it once without knowing how it ends and then anothe...