
Showing posts from November, 2019

I like spoilers...

Whenever I read a fictional book (a book I enjoy I read for fun and entertainment instead of … you know… school) I get really impatient. I get to the middle section of the book and then I get really antsy and skip to the end of the book. I read the last 10-20 pages and then I go back to where I was before. I know this might upset some reading-enthusiasts but whatever, I like doing this. It’s the same with TV shows. When I watch a movie or TV, I HATE the feeling of not knowing. Like if there’s going to be a plot twist in season 5 then I want to know in season 1. That means that once I start a show, I usually look up the ending on Wikipedia before I’m even done with the first episode. I wish I could re(experience) watching/reading a book or movie for the first time. Like I would want to watch The Sixth Sense once knowing the twist and then another time without knowing the twist. Or with Seven, I would want to watch it once without knowing how it ends and then anothe...

Traveling in Alaska?

If I could go anywhere in the world I would want to go to Alaska. Maybe not during the winter with freezing weather because Alaska but maybe during the Summer when it’s warmer. I think Alaska is beautiful and full of nature. It’s one of the least populated states so it’s not only large but also empty. If I could go anywhere I would want to drive to Alaska which is around 60 hours one way. Then I would like to spend a few months traveling around Alaska visiting various National Parks while hiking and camping. I would want to travel around the national parks in Alaska because they are some of the biggest and most beautiful. Within Alaska, there are eight national parks, including the top four largest National parks. Something that bothers me about living in Central Illinois is that everything around us is very flat and boring. The cornfields and soybeans are nice to look at for like 5 minutes but we don’t have any large mountain ranges or lakes or anything else exciting.  I ...